What's Included in the Google Ads Report Template:
Google Ads Campaign Report
Keyword Performance Report
Monthy Performance Report
Campaign Type Performance Report
Device Performance Report

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Who should download the Google Ads Report Template?
You are a Digital Marketer, looking for a quick and easy way to measure the performance of your Google Ads campaign.
You are a PPC Specialist, looking for an easy and straightforward way to measure your Google Ads performance.
You are an Agency founder or Google Ads freelancer looking to systemise your Google Ads reporting process.
Frequently Asked Questions on
the Google Ads Report Template
What is included in the Google Ads Report Template?
The Google Ads Report Template includes the following tabs:
Campaign Performance Report (Including all Google Ads metrics that matter)
Monthly Performance Report (Measuring Google Ads performance over time)
Keyword Performance Report
Casmpaign Type Performance Report
Device Performance Report
How do I access and save the Google Ads Checklist?
Follow the below steps:
Check your email
Click on the link to download the Google Ads Report template
That's it! you can now use the Google Ads Report template on Google Sheets or download it on Excel.
Which tools should I use to measure my Google Ads Performance?
The only tool you need is Google Ads. Ideally should also link your Google Analytics account with your Google Ads to be able to import Key Events from Google Analytics as Conversion Actions in Google Ads.