What's Included in the Google Analytics Report Template:
Website Performance Report by Month
Channel Performance Breakdown
Source / Medium Performance Breakdown
Landing Page Performance Breakdown
Device Performance Breakdown
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Who should download the Google Analytics Report Template?
You are a Digital Marketer, looking for a quick and easy way to report on your website's performance.
You are a Startup Founder or Business Owner, looking for a quick & easy way to understand business performance.
You are an Agency founder or Digital Marketing freelancer looking to systemise your Google Aanlytics reporting.
Frequently Asked Questions on
the Google Analytics Report Template
What is included in the Google Analytics Report Template?
The Google Analytics Report Template includes the following sections:
Website Performance Report over time (by month)
Channel Performance Breakdown
Source / Medium Performance Breakdown, plus performance breakdown for Organic and Referral sources
Landing Page Performance Breakdown
Device Performance Breakdown
How do I access and save the Google Ads Checklist?
Follow the below steps:
Check your email
Click on the link to download the Google Analytics Report Template
That's it! you can now use and download the template on Excel or Google Sheets.
Where can I find the Google Analytics data?
You can find all relevant data in your Google Analytics, under the below reports:
Traffic Acquistion
Landing Page
Tech Details
The Google Analytics Report Template includes instructions on where to find all relevant data to fill in your report.