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GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template

Grab the Google Analytics SEO Performance Tracking Template (Google Sheets and Excel Free Download)

What's Included in the GA4 SEO Tracking Template:

Simple and easy to follow Google Analytics SEO Performance Tracking Template

Video instructions on how to use the Google Analytics SEO Performance Tracking Template

Performance Breakdown by Month and Landing Pages

Links to additional SEO and Google Analytics Video Tutorials

Ready-made tracking template with all the formulas included



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Who should download the
GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template?

  • You are a Digital Marketer, looking for a quick and easy way to start measuring your SEO Performance.

  • You are a SEO Specialist, looking for a quick & easy tracking template to report on Organic Search Traffic via Google Analytics.

  • You are a Agency founder or SEO freelancer looking to measure and report on Organic Search Traffic via Google Analytics.

Frequently Asked Questions on
the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template

What is included in the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template?

The Google Analytics SEO Performance Tracking Template includes a simple and easy table to start measuring your Organic Search Performance by Month and Landing Page.

The tracking template includes monthy and landing page breakdowns of Organic Search traffic performance with all the needed formulas to be able to compare your SEO performance Month-on-Month.

The GA4 SEO Performance Tracker can be copied in Google Sheets format or downloaded in Excel format after donwloaded.

How do I access and save the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template?

Follow the below steps:

  1. Fill in the form

  2. Check your email

  3. Click on the link to download the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template

That's it! you can now use the tracker on Excel or Google Sheets.

What tools do I need to use to fill the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template?

Ideally, you need Google Analytics with proper Event tracking implementation or an equivalent tool to be able to fill the GA4 SEO Performance Tracking Template.

Alternatively, you can use tools like Google Search Console and manual business data to achieve the same outcome.

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