Getting your scorecards perfectly aligned in Looker Studio reports makes all the difference in creating a clean, professional look. When your key metrics line up nicely, it not only looks better but also makes it easier for your audience to digest the information. It's like arranging a digital bookshelf; it's all about making things look neat and tidy while showcasing your most important metrics. In this quick guide, we'll show you some simple tricks to align scorecards in your reports like a pro! Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned Looker Studio user, these tips will help you create reports that are polished and easy to read!
How to Align Scorecards in Looker Studio Reports:
Select ALL your Scorecards
Right-click on your mouse
Select Align vertically, Middle to align the scrorecards horizontally
Select Align horizontally, centered, to align the scorecards veritcally
Frequently Asked Questions on Aligning Scorecards in Looker Studio Reports
Can I create a grid to help with element alignment?
Yes, you can enable a grid by selecting View from the top menu and selecting "Show grid." This will display a grid on your canvas to help with alignment.
How do I ensure equal spacing between elements?
Select the elements you want to space evenly, then select Distribute and select horizontally or vertically options in the toolbar. This will create equal spacing between the selected elements.