Formatting your pie charts in Looker Studio is like adding the perfect toppings to your favorite pizza; it is an easy way to make your data stand out and more visually attractive. Whether you want to change the colors, labels, or percentages, you have lots of options to design your chart exactly the way you want. In this guide, we'll walk you through some basic on how to format pie charts in Looker Studio so you can clean, clear, and eye-catching pie charts for your reports. Let's get started!
How to Format Pie Charts in Looker Studio:
Step 1: Convert your Pie Chart to a Doughnut Chart
Locate the Chart dropdown menu in the right panel
Click to open the menu
Select "Doughnut" as your chart type
Step 2: Style Your Chart
Click on STYLE in the right panel
Follow these steps to customize your chart:
A. Add Title
Locate the Title section
Enter your title text
Customize the font, size, and color as needed
B. Configure Slices
Find "Number of Slices" setting
Set maximum slices to 20
Under "Group Others" option:
Check to combine remaining values into one slice
Uncheck to show all values as individual slices
C. Set Slice Colors
Find "Color by" option
Choose one method:
Single color: Select one color for gradient effect
Slice order: Pick different colors for each slice
Dimension values: Assign specific colors to dimensions
D. Adjust Visual Elements
Modify slice size using size controls
Change label appearance:
Select font type
Adjust font size
Pick label color
Choose slice value display:
Labels (dimension names)
E. Format Legend
Customize legend text:
Set font type
Adjust size
Choose color
Set legend position:
Click alignment options (middle, bottom, top, right)
Optional: Remove legend entirely using visibility toggle
F. Final Touches
Add background color:
Select color picker
Choose desired shade
Add borders:
Set border width
Choose border color
Pick border style
Frequently Asked Questions on Formatting Pie Charts in Looker Studio:
How can I change the order of slices in my pie chart in Looker Studio?
Go to the "Data" tab, find the "Sort" section and choose how you want to order your slices (e.g., by dimension, metric, or custom order).
For custom ordering: Select "Custom" in the Sort dropdown, click "Add sort rule", choose your dimension, and arrange values in your desired order.
How do I format the numbers displayed on my pie chart in Looker Studio?
In the "STYLE" tab, under "Slice label," click on "More options." Here you can set the number format, including decimal places, use of abbreviations (K, M, B, etc.), currency symbol (if applicable), percentage display, and thousands separators.
Is it possible to highlight a specific slice of the pie chart in Looker Studio?
Yes, to highlight a specific slice, you can navigate to the "STYLE" tab, find the "Slice explosion" section, and enable the "Explode slices" option. You can then choose which slices to explode:
All slices: This will separate all slices slightly.
Biggest slice: This automatically highlights the largest slice.
Custom: This allows you to select specific slices to highlight.
Can I animate my pie chart in Looker Studio?
Looker Studio doesn't offer built-in animations for pie charts. However, you can create a sense of dynamism by using interactive features like drill-downs or filters.