What's Included in the SEO Report Template:
Monthly SEO Performance Report
Query Performance Report
Pages Performance Report
Country Performance Report
Domain Authority Performance Tracker

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Who should download the SEO Report Template?
You are a Digital Marketer, looking to measure your SEO Performance quickly and easily.
You are an SEO Specialist, looking for a quick & easy process to track your SEO Performance.
You are an Agency founder or SEO freelancer looking to systemise your SEO performance measurement.
Frequently Asked Questions on
the SEO Report Template
What is included in the SEO Report Template?
The SEO Report Template includes the following sections:
Monthly SEO Performance Report (Including tracking all essential SEO metrics: Impressions, Clicks, Avg. Position, CTR, Domain Authority).
Query Performance Report, measuring keyword performance and average position.
Page Performance Report, measuring page performance.
Country Performance Report, measuring performance across all countries.
How do I access and save the SEO Report Template?
Follow the below steps:
Check your email
Click on the link to download the SEO Report Template
That's it! you can now use the report on Google Sheets or download the report on Excel.
Which tools should I use to track SEO performance?
We recommend using the following tools:
You can use the same template to track your performance on Bing, pulling data from Bing Webmaster tools.