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UTM Builder Tool

Generate UTM Tags quickly and easily with our free Campaign URL Builder


GA4 Default Channel Group Instructions ➡️



📊 Navigate to Google Analytics > Traffic Acquisition report to check your campaign performance! If you would like to group your incoming traffic correctly and avoid unassigned traffic, note the UTM Tagging instructions below:​

  • Paid Social (Facebook, Instagram Ads):
    UTM Source
    matches a regex list of social sites (for example facebook, instagram etc.) AND UTM Medium matches any of: cpc, cpm, cpv, cpl, cpa, paid, ppc, paid, retargeting

  • Google Ads (Search):
    UTM Source
    matches a regex list of search sites (for example google, bing, yandex etc.) OR UTM Medium matches any of: cpc, cpm, cpv, cpl, cpa, paid, ppc, paid, retargeting

  • Organic Social:
    UTM Source
    matches a regex list of social sites (for example facebook, instagram etc.) OR UTM Medium matches any of: social, social-network, social-media, sm, social network, social media

  • Organic Video:
    UTM Source
    matches a regex list of video sites (for example youtube, vimeo etc.) AND UTM Medium matches any word that contains video

  • Email: 
    UTM Source is any of: email, e-mail, e_mail, e mail 
    OR UTM Medium is any of: email, e-mail, e_mail, e mail

  • Referral: 
    UTM Medium is any of: referral, app, link

  • Affiliates:
    UTM Medium is: affiliate

UTM Tag Best Practices ➡️



UTM Tag Best Practices:

  • UTM Tags are CASE SENSITIVE, we recommend to always use lowercase

  • Do NOT leave spaces, instead use underscore "_" or no space between the words

  • Make UTM Tags descriptive but concise for easier analysis later

  • You can enable auto-tagging in Google Ads

  • Do NOT use UTM Tags for SEO Backlinks

Frequently Asked Questions on
the UTM Code Generator

What's the difference between utm_source and utm_medium?

utm_source identifies WHERE the traffic comes from, for example google, facebook, tik tok etc.


utm_medium describes the TYPE of traffic, for example paid, organic, email etc. 

What order should UTM parameters be in?

The order doesn't matter, UTM Tags will work in any order.


However, most marketers follow this conventional order for consistency:

utm_source → utm_medium → utm_campaign → utm_term → utm_content

How long can UTM parameters be?

While there's no strict character limit for UTM parameters, most analytics tools can handle URLs up to 2,048 characters.


However, as a best practice keep UTM parameters concise, under 100 characters in total.

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